Saturday, November 6, 2010

Audio Books

I have a new addiction!  It's actually not just for me but for the kids as well.  We have been having growing pains in our house.  It happens every few months and unfortunately for the home schooling mom it requires rethinking everything!  We went through a big audio book phase when Nate was in his 2's and it worked great so we are bringing it back.  So far it's been a huge success.  We listen in the car, during quiet time, and after the kids are in bed.  Since my kids are young I like audio books that come with the book so we can read the story and look at pictures first.  We get most of our books from the public library.  Unfortunately they don't offer many on CD and the tapes hardly ever work.  That got me thinking....can I make my own?  I'm researching now and  I will let you know what I find out.  My first thought is how would I find the time to figure out how to do it.  Sound effects, copyright issues, recording to CD, but then how cool would that be to do our own audio books!  We could choose all the best stories and I know the kids would love it!  I think I'm to big for my britches at times!  For now we will continue to shop at Amazon for our favorites and cross our figures the ones from the library work.  Here is a great website for free audio books and here are some photos for fun.  Freeclassicaudiobooks.com

Nate's idea of playing soccer

My living room when I choose to sew during daylight hours.

And Mason's beautiful front teeth before he impacted one completely into his gum.  I miss those crooked cute teeth!

Thanks for stopping by please be patient with the photos.   I'm working on a solution. Pin It

1 comment:

  1. Oh my... impacted front teeth are sad. My second son was 13 mos old when he fell and sent one of his cute little front teeth way back up in his gum. On Easter... of course, that was many years ago. They do survive.


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